Animation 7/10
It's hard to give a score to the animation as a whole when it's a collab which contains works from various animators. Ones better than others. One animator that really stuck was DIMB. What others lacked, in my opinion, was the chaotic nature of the old Madness flash films. They were too slow for one, and the kills were a bit mundane. I can honestly not one kill stuck in mind. And when you're making a film about little round headed, cross faced people that kill each other, the kills are everything.
Sound 5/10
Considering that a few animations didn't even have sound, and others lacked knife sounds, sound wasn't really the strong point of this film.
Music was ok, but not very engaging. Something that started calm, and got louder and more energetic would have been perfect, and if the animations were in order, as if the most chaotic were at the culmination of the song, now that, would have been awesome.
Switches to medium quality from time to time for no reason.
Overall 6/10
An overall decent collection of animations, but it just doesn't work out as a whole. Many shorts weren't finished or polished enough, some tests were included to expand the run time, the music wasn't really fitting and there was a huge lack of sound effects, though some shorts really shined and made this a worthwhile watch.
A little bit of more careful organising next time, but overall a good collection of shorts.